Monday, September 28, 2015

still alice

I read this book last week and finished it in two days..couldn't put it down..very riveting and obviously well written. Hubby bought me the book, he just randomly picked a book (actually he bought two..the other one casual vacancy by jk rowling..oh my! that book was a bore..she should just stick to harry potter) and I was glad he picked that one. It was about a woman discovering that she has Alzheimer's disease and how she was dealing it with, trying to figure out how to handle the changes this disease brings into her daily life. She was a professor in linguistics so you can imagine her feelings when she started to forget words. In our society, we always assume that most old people are just being forgetful or "nyanyuk" but little that we (or at least I) know that it is actually a disease that can be delayed if caught early. Even though there is no cure yet for it, by understanding more about this disease would help us in dealing with it especially when it involves our loved ones. After finishing the book, I decided to watch the movie. The book was way better. Acting was bad except for Julianne Moore. Even worse, the director or whoever in charged of casting, decided to take that Kirsten gal from Twilight as Alice's youngest daughter. Big mistake! That girl doesn't have any expressions, maybe because she has been with vampires for way too long. Anyway, it was sad to see Alice deteriorating and losing her abilities to do easy daily tasks. At the end of the movie, she could barely talk. Before she became worse, she made a video to herself reminding the old Alice of how smart and wonderful she was (in the book, not the movie which took out quite a few important events) and her kids and husband also did a memory video of her. This book reminded me to be grateful and not to take things for granted. Stop whining and start doing and appreciate what I have as it can be gone by tomorrow.

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